A True Story

Weight Management

L.S. is a 27 yr old very pleasant lady. She started with our weight loss program 6 months ago. At that time she was 210 lbs . She was stressed and feeling depressed. She was very conscious of her weight and she was shy of even going on the scale to check her weight. When she came she was stressed but was very determined. She appeared as she was saying to herself and to the whole world “ It is enough, I will not take it anymore”. She started with a goal and determination. She started with a diet plan and 5 times a week simple exercises. She took help of FDA approved diet suppressant under physician supervision. In next six months she lost 60 lbs!! Her current weight is 150 lbs. Today she had tears in her eyes but those tears are of her victory. She has got her confidence back. She appeared as saying to the world “ I did it”. Sugar Grove Health Center salute and congratulates L.S.

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To promote and maintain health of the society by including not only modern technology of the conventional medicine, but also other supplementary methods e.g. nutritional medicine and hormonal therapies.

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